Seminar paper and master thesis
Weighted Quantile Decomposition
- with application to changes in South African living standards (2014).
Seminar paper in "Advanced Microeconometrics", University of Copenhagen
Research question: "Has the dismantling of apartheid resulted in improvements of living standards among the majority of South Africans and why".
(MatLab-code available upon request)
Bus Engine Replacement Model and Heterogeneity (2015)
with Jesper Hybel Pedersen.
Seminar paper for "Dynamic Programming – Theory, Computation, and Empirical Applications", University of Copenhagen
Research question: "The consequences of neglecting heterogeneity in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models".
(MatLab-code available upon request)
Fiscal policy and collateral constraints in an estimated DSGE model
-Do collateral constraints amplify or weaken fiscal policy? (2016) with Rasmus Bisgaard Larsen.
Master thesis at University of Copenhagen, Spring 2016.
Research question: "Do collateral constraints amplify or weaken Fiscal policy?".
(MatLab-code available upon request)
Notes (Danish only)