Goutham Jørgen Surendran

An economist by training, I graduated from the University of Copenhagen (MSc) and the College of Europe (MA).
I am currently employed as advisor at the Danish Ministry of Finance dealing with EU economic and budgetary affairs.
For more and contact details, see my CV or LinkedIn.

Seminar paper and master thesis

Weighted Quantile Decomposition
- with application to changes in South African living standards (2014)
Seminar paper in "Advanced Microeconometrics", University of Copenhagen
Research question: "Has the dismantling of apartheid resulted in improvements of living standards among the majority of South Africans and why".
(MatLab-code available upon request)

Bus Engine Replacement Model and Heterogeneity (2015) with Jesper Hybel Pedersen.
Seminar paper for "Dynamic Programming – Theory, Computation, and Empirical Applications", University of Copenhagen
Research question: "The consequences of neglecting heterogeneity in Dynamic Discrete Choice Models".
(MatLab-code available upon request)

Fiscal policy and collateral constraints in an estimated DSGE model
-Do collateral constraints amplify or weaken fiscal policy? (2016)
with Rasmus Bisgaard Larsen.
Master thesis at University of Copenhagen, Spring 2016.
Research question: "Do collateral constraints amplify or weaken Fiscal policy?".
(MatLab-code available upon request)

Notes (Danish only)